Warm welcome! I'm Amy Chou. I have been coaching and mentoring individuals throughout my 20+ years in the tech industry as a peer, a manager, and a senior leader. I am excited to dedicate myself full time to coaching starting in 2024.

I am proud of my accomplishments working for big-name tech companies (TikTok, Google, Cisco, Intel), and steadily advancing as a marketing leader. I am grateful for all the knowledge, experiences, and connections I have gained at each company, team, and role. They have also brought me closer to understanding what's truly important to ME. From my years navigating from an individual contributor to a first line manager, then to a senior leader, I've discovered that my greatest fulfillment comes from helping my peers, leaders, reports, and mentees Dream. Plan. Do. Live! (see below!)

I am grateful to have worked with incredible coaches along my own journey, who helped me overcome my constant focus on how others perceive me, and instead design my life based on my own values, and what matters to ME. I look forward to paying it forward and serving wonderful humans, like YOU.

Every human is unique. You are the only one who truly knows what's important to you, and the challenges you face. Through 1:1 personalized coaching, where I provide a safe space and useful tools, I will partner with you and empower you to find clarity around your passion & vision, unpack your blockers and get unstuck, and build an accelerated path to a more fulfilling career and life!

Dream. Plan. Do. Live.

Achieve a More Fulfilling Career & Life

Check out my LinkedIn profile for more about me, my experiences, and comments from people who know me professionally!

🌟 DREAM. Build a clear vision of the life YOU want. Imagine your career & life goals that would lead to a more fulfilling life.

📝 PLAN. Make your aspirations more tangible. Map out a clear path to turn your dreams into achievable steps.

🚀 DO. Take the practical steps to bring your plans to life. Turn your aspirations into reality through actions and effort.

✨ LIVE! Embrace, enjoy, and LIVE the life that reflects your dreams!

Take a few minutes to fill out this Google form for a FREE 30min intro video call.
I will share more about coaching, about me, and answer any questions you have about next steps!

Life Coach, Fulfilling Career, Career Transition Planning, Confidence Building, Career Growth, Finding Purpose, Unstuck my career